Changing Lives
Monty Mangum

Accounting, A.A.
“There is someone out there – even if I haven’t met them – who believes in my ability to achieve my goals, and to go out into the world and contribute.”
Cierra Wagner

General Studies; Media Arts – Web Design
“This scholarship has allowed me to dedicate time to serve as student government president and advocate for other SFCC students.”
Ryan Ramaker

Computer and Informational Technologies, A.A.S.
“Donor support has affected my confidence tremendously. The financial and emotional support gives me great stress relief.”
Lucas Montoya

Business Administration, A.A.
“This scholarship allowed me to focus on school and I hope to give back in the future.”
Ian Widrick Martinez
Criminal Justice, A.A.
“I didn’t go away to school because I know what’s here – we have the best faculty, staff, and I love our new team of administration – they make SFCC the best higher ed institution in New Mexico. We are a great school.”
Tintawi Kaigziaibher
Creative Writing Major
“I am grateful to those who have helped me get my voice out. I don’t think I speak only for myself, but for generations of people who have suffered, who are still suffering.”
Marcos Rivera
Psychology, Film, and Art Major
“Donors give us the opportunity that we wouldn’t have without them. It’s insane that I get money to help myself be better – it’s appreciated, it’s a blessing.”
Manny Chavez
Criminal Justice Major
“I was clouded until I found the Ambassador program and realized that I was hungry, and that I wanted to be a leader and make a difference.”
Erin Price
Allied Health Major
“Donors are the reason I have straight As with three science classes – I could never have done that if I had to work 40 hours a week.”