May Newsletter
Congratulations to our graduates of Fall 2023 and Spring 2024!
It’s incredible that this is the 40th anniversary of welcoming students to follow their dreams and academics at Santa Fe Community College. Students come to SFCC from different backgrounds and walks of life. They come with varying levels of academic standing and challenges. But they all come with a dream of graduation. The Santa Fe Community College Foundation has been an extended hand of help to those students who need a little support to follow their dreams. Graduation is a huge milestone. It shows the dedication and commitment of each student who receives their diploma. We want to showcase three students, Darrylinn, Kristiana, and Felipe, who are receiving their diplomas this weekend.

Darrylinn will graduate with an Associates in Medical Assistant. Using her skills and degree, she will continue working with Los Alamos Medical Center while furthering her education by pursuing a bachelor’s degree. She is excited about the future, while still feeling deeply grateful for her time at SFCC. Darrilynn expressed how much she gained from following her heart and pursuing her degree. She loves helping people, and now she gets to do it every day. She felt that the support from the Foundation prepared and assisted her in performing at her best throughout her time at SFCC.

Kristiana is graduating with a degree in Criminal Justice. Kristiana works full-time at her dream agency and plans to attend a four-year university to earn a bachelor’s degree. She is drawn to criminal justice because of her passion to contribute to the improvement of the justice system in New Mexico. Kristiana feels the learning environment at SFCC and the scholarships she received supported her achieving her goals.

Felipe is graduating with an Associates in Accounting. He has a great sense of curiosity for the world around him and plans to continue exploring opportunities. He is a first generation college student and gives credit to his family for motivating him to do his best. His high school informed him about the Foundation and encouraged him to apply for scholarships and support. This helped him reduce the cost of obtaining his degree. With all the guidance from his family, teachers and the Foundation, Felipe was able to follow his dreams in being the first in his family to obtain a college degree.
Thank you to all our donors who continue to make the educational journey that much more attainable for our students. We hope to continue the great work for more decades to come!

Kelly A. Marquez, MBA
Executive Director